MEMOS/ Studio


2012 visual

To wrap up this year, what if I share a few studio processes we explored and liked?

More threads, less meetings

We have been bringing in creatives from different countries or backgrounds to add a more unbiased, global view of the work we do. We are doing fewer team meetings and more 1:1 Slack huddles and project channels to combat insane time zones.

Automate non-creative work

We use AI in our design process like OpenAI and Midjourney for rough style definition and grammar check, and Read AI for meeting recaps. We will continue to explore more non-creative, admin automation for efficiency.

Make on-boarding & collaboration easy

As we bring in new teammates and partners/clients for different projects, we made on-boarding easier with 1 tracker doc & 1 comm channel for each project. All design collaboration actions are on Figma, including explorations, presentation, guidelines creation. So far so good.

Thank you all our team members and partners that made 2023 so special...Devon, Yu, Caleb, Michael Q, Shelby, Alli, Whitt M, Helen, Brandi, Gabrielle, Mischief, Juniver, Cadence, AIGA San Francisco, and, all other clients we signed NDA with :p

Here's to more in '24.

Written on

31 Dec 2023


Melody Yung, Creative Lead