MEMOS/ Ideas

How to enable content marketing from the start as you are developing your startup branding

🖤 Commit to your brand story

When we partner with startup founders, we often create brand strategy and voice based on the founding team’s stories and points of view, especially when the product is still in beta or R&D phase. Your passion and ambition are the emotions that connect viewers. We see a lot of momentum when the founders are being themselves and sharing stories authentically and consistently.

A great thought-starter here is asking yourself: why did I start this? What does the world miss if I don’t see this idea through?

🧩 Create a system, not just an identity

While your 300x300px logo icon looks great, what people are really looking at is the consistent, visual-rich stories and insights. We often create comprehensive, ownable elements that can be adopted in all types of platforms or mediums. Your visual system needs to be flexible and recognizable as part of your brand.

So often, startups will reach out and ask if we design a logo and color palette for them to kickstart their brand. Brand strategy, voice, and visual systems are often dismissed because of cost or time savings. In this new era of the content-first marketing world, it’s almost impossible to ignore these essential elements.

Written on

14 Feb 2024

Written by

Melody Yung, Creative Lead