Excited to see our client Juniver on the top 20 Peerless finalists! 💥

juniver app

Peerless is a pitch competition designed to help Black, Latine, Native American and female founders scale their vision from an early stage.

In partnership with Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) and their mission to serve underrepresented communities, they’re elevating exceptional founders through long-term mentorship, elite networking, and a $1M investment from AlleyCorp. Five founders will be selected for the final event, pitching their company to a diverse panel of startup leaders for a chance to win a $1M investment.

Last week AlleyCrop VC's investment team meticulously reviewed nearly 500 completed applications they received and narrowed down their selections to 20. Excited to see our client Juniver on the top 20 Peerless finalists! 💥

Written on

10 May 2024

Written by

Melody Yung, Creative Lead